Pub. 6 2017 Issue 3
Chairman’s Message M E S S A G E Don’t Stop Thinking about Tomorrow D By Alice Frazier VACB Chairman Bank of Charles Town ear Fellow Community Bankers, It is funny how the saying “good things stand the test of time” rings true in many ways. There are songs that were originally released in the 1970’s that are on the favorite play list of the millennials today – Hotel California, American Pie or mayb e Horse with No Name. Let’s consider a fewmovies: Rocky, Star Wars or The Bad News Bears. As you read each song and movie title there is a chance you could either hum the tune or remember some part of the film. Music and movies tend to stand the test of time for the entertainment and emotional qualities associated with the work. I suggest that the VACB has stood the forty-year test of time because it has remained true to its original intent – the undiluted voice for community banks. Over the years, new commu- nity banks organized and community banks merged. However, bankers engaged in the VACB have always found value in the deep friendships that are formed while serving the industry. We come together for the undiluted voice of advocacy – an emotional issue for us all. The ICBA’s Plan for Prosperity, the CLEAR Relief Act and the Principals of Tax Reform are basis for regulatory relief that will allow our community banks to continuously thrive. In late April, we were 20 bankers strong for the ICBA Capital Summit, sharing our stories and advice with our legislators. Our Congressmen and Senators are heading back to Washington to begin tackling the issues at hand again. It has been a long five months on The Hill and our message in late April is likely to be diluted. Reach out to your local members of Congress to remind them that community banks are the foundation of local economies and we need their support. The 40th convention is drawing near and there is no better time to meet or catch up with fellow community bankers, to learn and share ideas. The agenda is packed full of timely topics, the vendor list is long and the venue is timeless. In addition, we are excited about the inaugural sessions of Perfor- mance University – Dynamic Skills for Bank-to-Business Conversations, which will run concurrent with the convention. This new program is exclusive to the VACB and offered in conjunction with St. Meyer & Hubbard, a premier performance training company. So, for me, the 70’s song that sticks in my head as I think about our industry is Don’t Stop by Fleet- wood Mac. “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…” I’m pretty sure most of you can finish it from there. A positive song about focusing on the future. Let us focus on our future and be 40 banks strong at our 40th Convention! The CommunityBanker 6
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