Pub. 6 2017 Issue 4
The CommunityBanker 10 VACB 40th Annual Convention October 1 – 3, 2017 Kingsmill Resort, Williamsburg F E A T U R E Heather Hughes Photography V ACB members gathered in Williamsburg for their Annual Convention, Trade Show and 40th Anniversary celebration at Kingsmill Resort, October 1- 3, 2017. Kicking off fall on the banks of the James River, the weather was in perfect harmony with our anniversary celebration. VACB’s enduring method for convention success was on full display and then some. Not only did the convention focus on current trends in the banking environment, provide exposure to the latest offerings from our As- sociate Members and offer great networking opportunities; we had 19 past presidents and chair- men with us to help celebrate the organization’s 40th anniversary. Our two Business Sessions were on target with valuable information, insight and inspiration. The morning began with the membership approving the slate of officers for 2018. We are very pleased to have Lloyd Harrison from Virginia Partners Bank in Fredericksburg entering the process of “mov - ing through the chairs” of the association. Next, Scott Richter, from Host Sponsor Williams Mullen, addressed the group briefly and congratulated the association on 40 years of working on behalf of Virginia’s community banks. Once the election of officers and other associa - tion business was concluded, Scott Hildenbrand with Sandler O’Neill + Partners shared financial in - stitution trends on the horizon including how banks can optimize their balance sheets in an unpredict- able interest rate environment. He also discussed strategies banks can use to address additional competition in the marketplace. Strategic Risk Associates (SRA) then addressed five banking regulations for attendees in 45 min - utes. Michael Glotz, Matthew Neels and Rebecca Wright Dodson with SRA provided an overview of key regulatory focus areas banks and bank boards are facing today including cybersecurity and IT, compliance and risk management, and new product due diligence. The SRA team also shared best practices to help bank boards properly oversee and manage these areas effectively. Our third session featured the legal team of Susan Ancarrow, Beth Davis and Mark Jones from Troutman Sanders sharing their tips for more ef- fective board operations. The discussion touched on the selection and integration of new directors, board communications, recordkeeping and board evaluations. The panel stressed that having effec- tive board operations are not only critical to the commercial success of the bank, they are essential to directors in satisfying their obligations to their shareholders as well as the bank. Monday morning’s Business Session ended with a trip down VACB’s memory lane. Alice Frazier and Joe Shearin were on hand to emcee the gathered, illustrious group as they shared their comments and memories of VACB during its past 40 years. Current and past leadership bankers par- ticipated, as well as Andy Nea and Whit Whitham from Williams Mullen, former Bankers’ Bank President Bruce Thompson and VACB’s former Executive Director Pat Satterfield. Immediately following the Business Session, attendees gathered outside under a big, white tent overlooking the James River for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Lunch was served alfresco and ev- eryone enjoyed dining outside and the weather was picture perfect. In addition to the great meal, the event offered beer tastings in the Bier Garten, and friendly games of cornhole and ladder golf. It was an idyllic way to spend a warm, fall afternoon.
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