Pub. 7 2018 Issue 3
The CommunityBanker 6 Chairman’s Message M E S S A G E A Win is a Win By Lyn Hayth VACB Chairman Bank of Botetourt “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them for yourself” —Andy Warhol W e have to change things for ourselves. This is exactly what your association and commu- nity bankers have been doing this year. Time does not stand still; things change, but we certainly need to continue the fight for positive change for our industry. The passage of S. 2155 was certainly a start towards that goal. The reduction of the corporate tax rate was another victory for our industry and small business in general. Steve has spent an invalu- able amount of time on our behalf in Richmond and Washington advocating both for our industry and community banks. This is a tireless effort on his part but not meaningless. Many thanks go to Steve for his commitment and efforts this past year. There is never enough time for continuing education and training. Compliance train- ing, sales training, and security training are all essential but time-consuming and needed for our banks. The VACB has taken great strides to offer valuable, time-efficient education and training for our members. Our association offers education through Compliance Fo- rums, seminars, conventions and webinars. There are many options which allow each institution to put together affordable, user-friendly training options: training that is customized to individual bank requirements or needs. Please review these offerings and contact Katharine Garner at the VACB today if you have any questions. Speaking of time, it is time for the upcoming 2018 VACB Annual Convention and Trade Show at Hotel Roanoke, another example of our association providing education and collaboration oppor- tunities for our members. You will have the opportunity to connect with fellow community bank- ers, valued associates and vendors, while hearing from industry experts. Also, join me in welcom- ing the ICBA Chairman Elect, Preston Kennedy. I hope you can join me this year in my back door; the annual convention has not been in Roanoke for over a decade. We have a wonderful agenda and a little fun planned as well. I would like to acknowledge our sponsors for their commitment to our association, so please join me in thanking them for their support. As my term as VACB Chair- man comes to an end, I look forward to each of you joining me at this year’s annual event. I would like to acknowledge our Board and Executive Committee for providing me a tremen- dous amount of support and direction during the past year. Brian Plum, your Chairman Elect, Al- ice Fraizer, your Past President, Vice Chairman Lloyd Harrison and ICBA Delegate Jeff Dick have provided me with guidance and insight throughout the year. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank Steve Yeakel, our president, in addition to Katharine Garner and Kelli Mallinger for their support throughout the year. We run a small but efficient staff at the VACB and we could not have a more committed team. Thank you once again for allowing me to lead our association this past year.
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