Pub.7 2018 Issue 4
7 w i n t e r | 2018 President’s Message By Steve Yeakel, CAE VACB President & CEO Advocacy – Next Steps for a New Day M E S S A G E I hope that you will permit me a one last paragraph look at a great fall convention experience in Roanoke. Bankers from outside of the area told me they would return to Roanoke for another convention. That says quite a bit about how successful an event it was. The convention committee and our staff worked hard to build an agenda full of solid, valu- able information and enjoyable experiences, and the results of our post-convention evaluations validated their efforts. We’re also most grateful for the support of sponsors and exhibitors, as our numbers in those areas were strong. Thanks to everyone who participated in any way. Election Day 2016 brought big changes nationally, and especially to the Old Dominion. It’s difficult to describe our commonwealth as “purple” any more, as Democrats hold both US Senate seats, the Governorship, and as of this election, a 7-4 edge in members of the House of Representatives. The ac- companying change in control of the US House, from Repub- lican to Democrat, gives Virginia’s three senior Democratic representatives a chance to gain major committee assignments and thereby provide significant leadership on policy issues. Given the history of past performance, should we be concerned that the Republican Party, who has provided much support for community banking issues, has been diminished in power? Not at all, and for several reasons. First and foremost, key Virginia Democrats, like Sena- tors Warner and Kaine, have been supportive of community banking in key moments. Warner’s leadership in building S. 2155, and Kaine’s prompt support as an original co-sponsor, were critical to the bill’s passage. In addition, Senator Warner remains active in promoting BSA reform and other issues. Second, community banking issues are not partisan issues, and we have not advocated for them in that fashion. Our ef- forts on Capitol Hill have involved members and senior staff at all 13 Virginia congressional offices. That will continue, as we have five new members to educate. Third, we still have a regulatory environment where leadership in the agencies have been open to our issues and concerns. The VACB board has challenged members and staff to engage more directly with federal regulatory agencies, and this will be a high priority in our 2019 plans. Finally, in the long run, we know that it is not a party label that matters, or even the activity of any member or members of Congress. The key element in the success of policy initia- tives is the engagement of those most involved. We have achieved a level of success through your increasing engage- ment over the past few years, and look forward to expanding your engagement even further in the year ahead. Thank you for your continuing advocacy!
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