Pub. 8 2019 Issue 1

7 S P R I N G | 2019 President’s Message M E S S A G E S trategic planning - passé or painful? No matter what our first reaction to it might be, strategic planning is a critical element in the success of our organizations. VACB drew significant energy from its most recent strategic planning process in 2015, in addition to the clear focus, which is its primary intention. Our board viewed the final product as a plan that would reasonably carry us three to five years, so the time has come for a new “deep dive” on our strategic plan. We have begun to engage in that process, and hope to have a refreshed plan completed by mid-year. I invite your input into this important project. The high- lights of our current plan still resonate, and are worth reviewing here. Our Mission is undiluted advocacy, targeted education and quality collaboration for Virginia’s community banks. Our Vision is that VACB will be an unquestionable value to our members, making the most efficient, effective use of their dollars. Our Values are: • Leadership • Courage • Synergy • Diligence • Stewardship • Engagement • Integrity • Accountability • Connectedness Feel free to share your thoughts on any of these plan components with me, with our Chairman, Brian Plum, or with any board member. We’ll be meeting later this spring for a lengthy conversation that will provide the raw material for the next strategic plan. How important is our “undiluted advocacy” to your bank? Have you benefitted from our “targeted education”? How can we better target it? What are the issues or challenges facing community banks that require more attention, training or information for your bank? How can we increase our “quality collaboration”? From the halls of our Congress, to our member banks and associate members across the Common- wealth, to our training venues in between, we are committed to sharing and living out our mission, vison and values. You deserve that level of commit- ment, and your dedicated staff is proud to offer it every day. What’s the Plan? Help Us Build It By Steve Yeakel, CAE VACB President & CEO