Pub. 11 2022 Issue 1

Businessman talking in meeting

President’s Message: Advocacy 101 — Really?

I’m daring to write one more column on the power of advocacy and hope you’ll consider using these ideas to further engage “your troops” in the battles that lay ahead for us.

Maybe I should apologize. But just when I think our members have had enough, I’ll hear someone ask, “Why do we even do advocacy?”

So let’s start at the simplest level. We advocate because our advocacy can change things. It can make the lives of our customers better. It can make our communities better. It can make our banks better. We can make positive changes. We can stop actions and policies that are harmful. It’s the American Way. The Virginia Way. And advocacy is what matters most to almost all of our members.

Community bankers are most successful when they get the chance to tell their stories. Advocacy is all about telling our stories to people who can do something to help us make our stories better.

Be assured that if you aren’t telling your story, someone else is making one up for you. Or worse yet, your story is simply untold. This leads to bad outcomes. Remember the old adage: If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.

We are surrounded by advocates of all kinds, telling their stories in Washington, D.C., Richmond, and elsewhere. Some are powerful; some are not. Be assured that if you aren’t telling your story, someone else is making one up for you. Or worse yet, your story is simply untold. This leads to bad outcomes. Remember the old adage: If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.

Every person reading this article will have the chance to be more involved this year in making a difference for your community bank and community banks across the Commonwealth. We are actively working to build a team of advocates in every member bank to expand our efforts. Be thinking about which of your team members can best assist you in your efforts, and respond when we call on you to help strengthen the VACB team.