Pub. 11 2022 Issue 4

The Call to Educate

How would you describe your bank’s workforce? Is it robust or holding its own? Did the pandemic affect your hiring efforts, and where to look to find potential candidates? What is your bank’s process when looking to hire staff? Do you look inward when openings arise and see who in your current pool of talent would be a good fit for the position you are trying to fill? I know, I know, that’s a lot of questions, but they do have a point!

VACB can’t help funneling candidates to your institution, but we can help with promoting from within the bank. What’s your process for staff who show a lot of potential and would be a great fit for a promotion or a larger role within the institution if they had just a little more training and knowledge about banking? There’s no need to look any further than VACB. Throughout the year, VACB offers best-in-class training for a range of topics critical to today’s community banks and their employees’ success.

We engage trainers who are community bank-centric with their programs. Many have been community bankers in their early working lives, and they get it! They understand the community banking model and tailor their programs and materials with the community banking student in mind. Read on to learn about some of the planned programming for the coming year.

VACB will launch the Essentials of Banking program for its seventh year in 2023. This is just one example of how a manager can expose staff to all that a bank is and does as a business and for its customers. These fundamental sessions cover banking from the teller line to the board room. Other programs we will be holding in 2023 include our Advanced BSA/AML Program, Universal Banker Certification Program, Retail Banking Leadership Series, and Essentials of Commercial Credit Analysis. Be sure to refer to the page in this issue outlining the dates for the programs we already have planned for the year. Additionally, we will hold Risk Management and Internal Audit sessions, but our dates haven’t been finalized as of this publication.

And finally, I would be remiss not to mention one of the most enduring programs VACB offers its members. Our VACB Compliance Forum was formed in 1988 and has been an education crown jewel ever since. We are very fortunate to have one of the best regulatory compliance speakers in the country leading this program. Patti Joyner with Financial Solutions, Inc. is our speaker and compliance guru for the members of our Compliance Forum program. With quarterly meetings, interim webinars, newsletters, and a compliance hotline to get questions answered, how can a bank afford NOT to participate in this offering? A well-trained and well-informed compliance officer is one of the bank’s best lines of defense in these times of heightened regulatory scrutiny.

As I close, here’s one other education kernel to consider. VACB is a nimble organization and if there’s a program that would benefit your bank, just let us know. We have contacts and insights across a broad range of topics and can pull programs together quickly. Call on us. We are here to serve you, our members!